
Worried I’ll be written up (and possibly fired) due to covid symptoms.

Last week I received a formal write-up for “excessive absenteeism” (3 call-outs during a twelve month period). I was told that the my next sick call would result in another write-up, the following sick call would get me a a third notice and a 3 day suspension, and one further call-out would mean termination. So, 6 sick calls in the span of a year means I'm fired. The day after my initial write-up, I started feeling ill- sore throat, headache, muscle aches, etc. I did my due diligence and took two covid antigen rapid tests, which both came up negative. Assuming I must have a cold or the flu, and being beyond out of sick time, I sucked it up and showed up for my shift the next day. At the start of each shift, we're required to compete a covid screening. Being an honest dumbass, I admitted to having…

Last week I received a formal write-up for “excessive absenteeism” (3 call-outs during a twelve month period). I was told that the my next sick call would result in another write-up, the following sick call would get me a a third notice and a 3 day suspension, and one further call-out would mean termination. So, 6 sick calls in the span of a year means I'm fired.

The day after my initial write-up, I started feeling ill- sore throat, headache, muscle aches, etc. I did my due diligence and took two covid antigen rapid tests, which both came up negative. Assuming I must have a cold or the flu, and being beyond out of sick time, I sucked it up and showed up for my shift the next day.

At the start of each shift, we're required to compete a covid screening. Being an honest dumbass, I admitted to having several symptoms on the list, but also informed management that I had come up negative twice on a rapid test twice. I was told that I had to go home, and that it would result in another automatic write-up.

This didn't make any sense to me, so I called corporate and explained the situation. I was told over the phone that I needed to isolate for 5 days and come back with a doctor's note, and that I would not be disciplined for those five days whether or not I tested positive. Corporate insisted that I would be protected only if I isolated the full five days unless otherwise instructed by a doctor. I requested this information in text via email, but have yet to receive anything.

I called work again to relay this information and to announce that I would be isolating, and got told something completely different by a different manager, implying that I was still going to be disciplined. I called corporate again, and they told me something similar but slightly different to what was said in the previous call. Called the store again, got a different manager and a completely different interpretation of the policy. Went back and forth this way a few times and I'm more confused than ever.

I have a doctor's note excusing every day I've missed due to covid related symptoms. My isolation period ends on Tuesday, and my next scheduled shift is on Thursday after that. I'm calling every day I'm scheduled to remind them I'm still out, but I'm terrified of being let go when I get back, even with the note.

Fuck this company and their disregard for anyone with a less than perfect immune system. Fuck this society where we're supposed to slap on a smile and go to work while infectious. I'm so tired.

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