
Gas prices high while oil prices drop?

It's maximizing profit because they know they can get away with it. Those that are supposed to protect us from such actions, you know those folks we elected, are profiting too. That is why they don't prevent it. Inflation is corporate code for taking advantage of current events to increase profits. The increase in the price of gas is exceeding the increase of the price of oil. We are once again victim to the power of those who control the means and ways. Until we realize and organize with the understanding that we are the ones that control the means and ways, we will continue to be subject to their control. We must come together with the knowledge of the value of our labor to leverage our power in the discussion. Without those of us who grind day in and day out they have no wealth, no power It is…

It's maximizing profit because they know they can get away with it. Those that are supposed to protect us from such actions, you know those folks we elected, are profiting too. That is why they don't prevent it. Inflation is corporate code for taking advantage of current events to increase profits.

The increase in the price of gas is exceeding the increase of the price of oil. We are once again victim to the power of those who control the means and ways. Until we realize and organize with the understanding that we are the ones that control the means and ways, we will continue to be subject to their control. We must come together with the knowledge of the value of our labor to leverage our power in the discussion. Without those of us who grind day in and day out they have no wealth, no power

It is time we reconsider the value of management versus the value of production. Who creates, builds, develops, mines, instructs, labors for society's advancement? Who profits off those efforts? What is the contribution to society of the manager, or owner compared to these efforts? What is the cost to the individual physically and emotionally across this spectrum? What is the compensation, and is it equitable? It seems that those who give the most of themselves benefit the least. Those with the most advantages benefit the most. This is only because we allow it to be so.

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