
Work sapping all motivation (rant)

So for some context I'm a casual worker in Australia and work at a medical clinic as reception. I work quite late by our standards or should be, as my shifts end just before midnight after starting around 5 and we do all the menial tasks for the doctors, calling patients, getting results sorting, collecting payments and so on so forth. Obviously the doctors want to leave early as well, noone wants to stay later than required so they'll call patients early, which requires us to call them first to get payment, move in person patients up and the doctors might leave by about 9-9:30. but I'm scheduled on for another 2 hours or so, technically my duties are done once the doctor has left other than closing up or doing paperwork, which might take 20 minutes max if the place is a mess and we're behind. Because of how…

So for some context I'm a casual worker in Australia and work at a medical clinic as reception.

I work quite late by our standards or should be, as my shifts end just before midnight after starting around 5 and we do all the menial tasks for the doctors, calling patients, getting results sorting, collecting payments and so on so forth. Obviously the doctors want to leave early as well, noone wants to stay later than required so they'll call patients early, which requires us to call them first to get payment, move in person patients up and the doctors might leave by about 9-9:30.

but I'm scheduled on for another 2 hours or so, technically my duties are done once the doctor has left other than closing up or doing paperwork, which might take 20 minutes max if the place is a mess and we're behind. Because of how late it is practically noone calls unless they're looking for an appointment we can't give because we have no doctors and even then we have to have the clinic fully closed by 10:30.

The kicker is that we're expected to leave pretty much right after the doctors unless there is paperwork to do. So 2 hours early and because of the time that's about $92 lost on top of the fact that because I'm on schedule for more than 6 hours I'm required to have a 30min break, which they still take out if I only work 4 hours without taking that break officially, if I did work a full shift they still take it out of the more expensive hours, once again regardless if I was able to have a break or not.

We used to get paid for the full shift and finishing early which encouraged everyone to actually put in the effort to do it as fast as possible, and now if we slow down the doctors will complain they want to go home faster meaning we get paid less for doing our jobs well by fitting their patient list into half the bloody time.

Also meant to be some incentive program for good work, never see that or any benefits at all. I need the damn money, I'm a full time student as well, my student benefits are entirely taken up just by my rent in literally the cheapest place I could find.

I also do a good chunk of the payment processing for the doctors too, so I know what they get paid. And even taking 60% of the lowest paid doctors daily payments in 3-4 days they make as much as I do in a fortnight, not saying they don't deserve it because they work hard but it's depressing to see nonetheless since they make more in 12-16 hours than I would in 28 even with a 60% loss, I lose out on a minimum of $400 a fortnight, sometimes $500 or so and despite that loss I'm still expected to do everything as fast as possible so the doctors can go home and be paid as much as possible or I lose my job for incompetence.

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