
When’s the right time to leave

Hey, sorry if this goes on a little bit but I’m at a bit of a crossroad. And sorry if this isn’t the right place.. There’s a few things going on and I’m really struggling on how to push forwards. I work at a medium size accountants as a financial planner. This is my second time round with the company as I trained with him, spread my wings for development and came back on a better salary. However, since starting back almost 2 years ago my targets increased from £70k, to £120k, now £170k per annum as the first two targets I hit over 100-120%. I’ve only had a £1k pay rise despite exceeding target and becoming a charted financial planner and they are now saying for the extra £50k a year revenue from me and only benefit is that I could earn another £2k bonus. My overall package isn’t…

Hey, sorry if this goes on a little bit but I’m at a bit of a crossroad. And sorry if this isn’t the right place..

There’s a few things going on and I’m really struggling on how to push forwards. I work at a medium size accountants as a financial planner. This is my second time round with the company as I trained with him, spread my wings for development and came back on a better salary.

However, since starting back almost 2 years ago my targets increased from £70k, to £120k, now £170k per annum as the first two targets I hit over 100-120%. I’ve only had a £1k pay rise despite exceeding target and becoming a charted financial planner and they are now saying for the extra £50k a year revenue from me and only benefit is that I could earn another £2k bonus.

My overall package isn’t bad, I earned around £63k last year but During the meeting telling me this, my line manager said.. ‘well you’re on a good wage for your age’… I pulled him up on this saying I should be remunerated based on how good I am at my job, not my age.

I asked if any other adviser in the firm had added the levels of business on which I have and the answer was firmly a no.

It just feels like I’m being punished for my success and they want my blood and soul but don’t want to pay…

There are other factors and I’m not sure if they are also playing into me being fed up and like I’m being used, I’ve put them below;


1) I’m one of the lowest paid advisers but I went into a roll that doesn’t have an existing client bank therefore my overall fees in comparison to my colleagues are lower, but my new business fees are on a par.
2) they treat one of my friends like rubbish when they left.
3) we are overworked but given the target driven world we can pass any work on through risk of missing out on targets, this has lead to me having 2 weeks annual leave expire.
4) I have a young family and to me family are everything, as such I have a golden rule that I don’t mind working late in evenings but refuse to do weekends, I’ve had to do weekends the last few weeks and it’s killing me. I’ve flagged this but the response was ‘ohh ok.’


1) when I left my last firm a few clients followed me and my old employer tried to go after me, my current work paid for solicitors so tell them to go away. I get that they benefit financially from the clients that came but they didn’t really have to do this.

Other factors

1) my father in law passed away at the start of the year and we were very close
2) I’ve not had a holiday in 3 years
3) we’ve had bad luck at the start of the year in addition to my father in law passing away, as one of my kids has been in hospital and we had to put our family pet to sleep.

I just don’t know if I’ve given work enough chance to address my concerns, is it the other things that are getting me down or is it time to jump ship before I become disinterested in my job which I usually love.

Arrghhh any advice is sooo helpful.

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