
Left the United States to escape crappy work culture for Europe. New job hires an American marketing manger….

I have worked in the design/film industry for almost 10 years now. Every job I have had has been understaffed and overworked with no time off, no health insurance, and no chance to grow in the company. Fed up with not being able to spend any time with my family we decided to leave the United States. We moved to Europe to escape for a better work-life environment. We saved for this for a long time and sold everything we had to make this move. After a few months, I landed my dream job with a great startup company with an amazing team of creatives from all around Europe. Then my company hired a new marketing manager from the United States…Things went downhill really fast at this point. She ran the team as she would back home. I went back to working late nights and weekends to keep up with…

I have worked in the design/film industry for almost 10 years now. Every job I have had has been understaffed and overworked with no time off, no health insurance, and no chance to grow in the company. Fed up with not being able to spend any time with my family we decided to leave the United States. We moved to Europe to escape for a better work-life environment. We saved for this for a long time and sold everything we had to make this move. After a few months, I landed my dream job with a great startup company with an amazing team of creatives from all around Europe. Then my company hired a new marketing manager from the United States…Things went downhill really fast at this point. She ran the team as she would back home. I went back to working late nights and weekends to keep up with poorly managed time frames and fast turnarounds on projects. It was like I never left the states. Almost everyone on the team quickly started discussing how this isn't a healthy work environment and a few left the company. If they only knew that this is how most Americans work every day. Me being so new to the company and having the American work culture burned into my mind I was scared to speak out in fear that I would lose my job somehow. So I just put my head down and did the work. The last straw was when I was granted a short holiday from the Ceo after a project forced me to work over the weekend. My American manager saw that I was going to a town where we have a few advertisements on display. My manager reached out the to location and booked a time for me to come and film the location for the day without asking me or giving me any kind of heads up. I read the emails and just didn't respond or show up. This pissed off the location and we ended up losing their business for wasting their time. That next day I was flooded with messages from her mad because I made her look bad. Finally, upper management saw what was happening due to this issue had to step in and tell her that this isn't how we work here or treat people. She is still at the company but it doesn't look like she will be here after her 6-month trial period.

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