
I’m not even doing that much work but I’m so depressed from it. What should I do?

I (31f) works for a big consulting company (for 1.5 years). I’ve worked long hours before and I’ve worked relaxing hours at a NFP before. I can’t seem to find a job I like. I decided to do consulting because of the pay and thought I’d learn heaps. So far I have learnt a bit but it has not been that enjoyable. At the moment, I’m doing a website project which requires working with people technical. The team and client knows more than me. I feel useless and stressed out even though I’m putting little hours in. I hate work and it’s only been 2 weeks. I sweat at night and I don’t think consulting is right for me. Im so tempted to just quit and find another job. I’m sure I can find something within 2 months. I feel so fragile that I want to leave when nothing major…

I (31f) works for a big consulting company (for 1.5 years). I’ve worked long hours before and I’ve worked relaxing hours at a NFP before. I can’t seem to find a job I like. I decided to do consulting because of the pay and thought I’d learn heaps. So far I have learnt a bit but it has not been that enjoyable.

At the moment, I’m doing a website project which requires working with people technical. The team and client knows more than me. I feel useless and stressed out even though I’m putting little hours in.

I hate work and it’s only been 2 weeks. I sweat at night and I don’t think consulting is right for me. Im so tempted to just quit and find another job. I’m sure I can find something within 2 months. I feel so fragile that I want to leave when nothing major has technically happened. Im just not happy.

But I have responsibilities- rent, hoping to buy a house.
Should I stick with this job? Should I apply for jobs? Should I just quit?

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