
Receiving a Cease and Desist in the mail from an ex-employer

So I posted a short reddit post about a salon I used to work at on a reddit page for the city I lived in. All it said was “Don’t give your money to such and such- the owner is a nightmare and the employees are walked all over on” a coworker of mine who still currently worked there (I had just moved across the country and quit my job there a couple weeks before) commented on it saying a lot more details into why the work environment was so toxic and why the owner should lose her business license. Come to find out, the owner tracked our IP addresses, fired my co worker and is sending us both Cease and Desists in the mail. Is this bad? I’m assuming it just means to stop posting about her publicly which doesn’t seem fair since anyone can essentially write a bad…

So I posted a short reddit post about a salon I used to work at on a reddit page for the city I lived in. All it said was “Don’t give your money to such and such- the owner is a nightmare and the employees are walked all over on” a coworker of mine who still currently worked there (I had just moved across the country and quit my job there a couple weeks before) commented on it saying a lot more details into why the work environment was so toxic and why the owner should lose her business license. Come to find out, the owner tracked our IP addresses, fired my co worker and is sending us both Cease and Desists in the mail. Is this bad? I’m assuming it just means to stop posting about her publicly which doesn’t seem fair since anyone can essentially write a bad review and everything we posted was true so it’s not defamation.

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