
put my company out of business

So i thought id share my expierience working for a shitty company thats just as bad as amazon and how i made them go out of business. The november before covid hit i worked at a not very popular wanna be world class company in southern michigan that made the circuit boards for samsung phones and other electronics.When i started there everything was normal.the place was bustling with activity,everyone was mostly happy and things went smoothly.I was in the quality control department logging bad rejects into the computer,doing spreadsheets,etc.The first major red flag that hit was that they would constantly move people around to different departments without warning and you were expected to be able to do anything and everything there including driving a forklift without certification and when they moved you around you were given vague instructions on what you were supposed to do and not given any training…

So i thought id share my expierience working for a shitty company thats just as bad as amazon and how i made them go out of business.

The november before covid hit i worked at a not very popular wanna be world class company in southern michigan that made the circuit boards for samsung phones and other electronics.When i started there everything was normal.the place was bustling with activity,everyone was mostly happy and things went smoothly.I was in the quality control department logging bad rejects into the computer,doing spreadsheets,etc.The first major red flag that hit was that they would constantly move people around to different departments without warning and you were expected to be able to do anything and everything there including driving a forklift without certification and when they moved you around you were given vague instructions on what you were supposed to do and not given any training on anything whatsoever.the next red flag was when dave the efficiency manager who it didnt take me long to figure out was a sleezebag got the woman in the office next to me that did quality control work fired because he wanted her office since it had a window that faced out into the floor.and since she wouldnt trade offices voluntarily he made up some bs that she screwed something up and told the owners who were also his childhood best friends and they fired a little more background on dave and the owners and upper management.the 2 owners bill and tom dave the efficiency manager and one of the supervisors ed were all childhood friends since highschool and had started the company together.they were all sleezebags and only cared about money.they would often gang up on employees so if you had an issue of any sort they would all be against you.Anyway covid hit and the company shutdown temporarily.And when we reopened thats when everything went downhill.Half the staff quit during covid because they were making more off unemployment than what the company was paying.the company only paid everyone 11 bucks an hour for 12 hour shifts,7 days a week and they never gave us anydays off even on holidays.Due to there only being like 30 of us left and people still quitting left and right we were having to pull 14 hour shifts 7 days a week and work 10-15 different stations per person.Now heres some other things that started happening that really made this place 6x worse.

1 ed the supervisor who didnt even work the full 14 hours and had weekdays off decided not to do anything at all except play on his computer or sit outside and smoke all day and pretend to be miserable even though he had no reason to be.ed was in charge of restocking items on the production lines and training people and signing off on each step in the production process once it was completely done.but since he was never doing his job he held up production so bad that in 3 weeks we were 3 months behind on orders.and because he was best friends with the owners he got away with it.BTW ed was a registered so

When production got held up the owners simply yelled at us and told us we were terrible at our jobs

2.dave the efficiency manager decided hto start being a creep by hiding behind piles of boxes and staring at people for really long time periods.BTW dave was a 70 year old bald guy that wore bifocals.dave also one time decided to try running a power saw that cut the LED light strips we made for ge into 1 foot sections and he set his phone down on the saw table and his phone got pulled into the saw destroying his phone and a 3 thousand dollar saw was now summer and all the air conditioners on the shop floor had broken and werent getting fixed and since it was a metal building it would get up to 125 degrees in there during the hot days.

4.for some reason the owners stopped fixing or replacing there broken equiptment(most of wich was from the 90s) and had caused a huge backup in production

5.the owner was embezzeling money from our paychecks to buy a new rolls royce every 2 months

Now before i had mentioned how we made leds for ge.well before covid hit in december they had just opened a second plant in ohio for making the lights specifically.well ge stopped making LEDS altogether due to the fact that they werent selling because of poor build quality and too much competition.between that and the fact that noone was available to staff that plant they had to close it down and declare bankruptcy for that plant.Now at the main plant things were taking a nosedive still.i realized by august that we only had 6 employees left and i was doing most of the work and getting no appreciation for it.the company was barely staying afloat and by now was 6 million dollars in debt from what i heard and because of poor treatment to previous employees there reputation was tarnished and they couldnt get any new employees to work for them.I had found a new job that was much better by then and paid twice that so i quit and went there.Now because i was the only one doing any actual work there and was the only one who was keeping the place afloat the owners had to run the production lines to try and keep going but they couldnt.they called me asking me to come back saying they give me a 2 dollar pay raise.i said hell no.i drove by the company a month later and saw a for sale sign out front and all the windows and doors boarded up.A coworker from there told me they filed for bankruptcy and there customers were suing them.last i heard the owners had to sell there cars and houses to pay off the debts and the supervisor ed was now working at walmart.and dave the creep was now working at dollar tree and living in a crappy studio apartment in a bad part of town.

You treat your workers like crap then thanks to the internet now your reputation is tarnished and karma will bite you in the ass

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