
I’m really sick of this

I just had to give my coworker a 30 minute break because she broke down crying in the middle of our shift. And by give her a break. I mean force her to go on break because she wanted to keep working. (I didn’t make her clock out bc fuck that.) She’s struggling to make ends meet. Working 45+ hours a week AND she’s a full time student. She barely eats. She’s been with the company a while and they refuse to give her a raise. I’m just sick of this. Most of my coworkers have 2 or 3 jobs at a time and they’re barely making it. I can’t take watching everyone suffer. When I asked a higher up earlier today about yearly raises they said we would get 3% NEXT YEAR. when over 3 years have gone by without one. And most people can’t hold on for that…

I just had to give my coworker a 30 minute break because she broke down crying in the middle of our shift. And by give her a break. I mean force her to go on break because she wanted to keep working. (I didn’t make her clock out bc fuck that.) She’s struggling to make ends meet. Working 45+ hours a week AND she’s a full time student. She barely eats. She’s been with the company a while and they refuse to give her a raise. I’m just sick of this. Most of my coworkers have 2 or 3 jobs at a time and they’re barely making it. I can’t take watching everyone suffer. When I asked a higher up earlier today about yearly raises they said we would get 3% NEXT YEAR. when over 3 years have gone by without one. And most people can’t hold on for that long. I’m just fed up. Most people in the company are barely making 13 an hour. Our salaried higher ups who sit on their asses (most of whom are only in the office for 4-6 hours a day and take multiple breaks) make 100K+ knowing damn well anything under 32 an hour for non salaried workers in our state are poverty wages. None of the people I work with are stupid. And mostly everyone in the company (even the cleaning staff) have college degrees. I just can’t contain my anger. And I can’t quit. Or I’ll be out on the street by next week. I’ve asked around for promotions and I’ve been met with empty promises- knowing damn well I’m qualified. Sorry if this is all over the place I just needed to vent guys.

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