
I have the perfect job but should I quit to travel?

I have the perfect job: a job so untaxing with very little to do, I end up working 1 hour a day. It's WFH (for now) and gives me ample time to do other things– as well as full-time pay. My colleagues are lovely and it's low stress. I love travel and have backpacked at least 7 times around the world but after 3 years at my current company, I'm itching to travel again for 2-3 months. I'm 31, female, have plenty of savings and a crashpad with family for when I come back. Am I foolish to give up such a good job? No it's not my dream job/field but I value more a job that gives me the flexibility to do productive stuff and pursue hobbies in my free time. I'd love to have a career in something I'm interested in but no clue what that would be.…

I have the perfect job: a job so untaxing with very little to do, I end up working 1 hour a day. It's WFH (for now) and gives me ample time to do other things– as well as full-time pay. My colleagues are lovely and it's low stress. I love travel and have backpacked at least 7 times around the world but after 3 years at my current company, I'm itching to travel again for 2-3 months. I'm 31, female, have plenty of savings and a crashpad with family for when I come back.

Am I foolish to give up such a good job? No it's not my dream job/field but I value more a job that gives me the flexibility to do productive stuff and pursue hobbies in my free time. I'd love to have a career in something I'm interested in but no clue what that would be. I want to move abroad again one day but my current employer won't let me go remote, so I'll eventually have to find a new job. A couple of things have come into my life recently to remind me that actually–I'm not getting any younger and I'm single (no prospects and quite pessimistic about my love life), no ideal career and won't be buying a house any time soon (read: no partner). I feel like I may as well travel and YOLO since I have nothing tying me down (although I do want that stuff one day), but my wfh setup is soooo good. Wake up whenever, see friends during the day, cook lunch at home, read, watch movies… Help!

Edit: I now have 3 client meetings per week, but they're around the city and pretty relaxed. Worried about taking my work equipment abroad in case they can see through our security system that I've logged in from abroad (it sends a text to our phone).

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