
We (The US) Need a Federal Salary Transparency Bill.

That's it in a nutshell. We need a federal salary transparency bill. One that shows exactly what the position pays. Not like New York where it gives you a range (I've seen employers literally put $30K – $100K) but a true salary transparency law and repercussions if not listed. What those repercussions should be? I have no clue. Also, I know this has very little chance of ever passing but I feel we beat around the bush with cities and states doing it here or there. Hell, just make every employer that operates in the US be required to list the salary of a job position.

That's it in a nutshell. We need a federal salary transparency bill. One that shows exactly what the position pays. Not like New York where it gives you a range (I've seen employers literally put $30K – $100K) but a true salary transparency law and repercussions if not listed. What those repercussions should be? I have no clue. Also, I know this has very little chance of ever passing but I feel we beat around the bush with cities and states doing it here or there. Hell, just make every employer that operates in the US be required to list the salary of a job position.

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