
Employer: “You can break quarantine health directives and return to work early”. Me: “No, thanks”.

My fiancés sister (our roommate) tested positive for Covid last Tuesday morning. I found out that afternoon and my fiancé and I were then required to quarantine for 7 days (The next day, Wednesday, being day 1). Work told me I was okay to return the following Tuesday (tomorrow) but I stated that would only be day six, they argued that the day she tested positive was day 1 and Monday was the final day for quarantine (not at all correct, I was at work that day so how the fuck would that be day 1 of quarantine?!). My fiancé then tested positive yesterday. I informed work that quarantine would need to start again and I wouldn’t be able to return to work until next Monday. I received a call disregarding that information (information directly from the Queensland health department) and work informed that I would be okay to return…

My fiancés sister (our roommate) tested positive for Covid last Tuesday morning. I found out that afternoon and my fiancé and I were then required to quarantine for 7 days (The next day, Wednesday, being day 1).

Work told me I was okay to return the following Tuesday (tomorrow) but I stated that would only be day six, they argued that the day she tested positive was day 1 and Monday was the final day for quarantine (not at all correct, I was at work that day so how the fuck would that be day 1 of quarantine?!).

My fiancé then tested positive yesterday. I informed work that quarantine would need to start again and I wouldn’t be able to return to work until next Monday. I received a call disregarding that information (information directly from the Queensland health department) and work informed that I would be okay to return to work tomorrow still. Which is incorrect even if you disregard THE SECOND PERSON IN MY HOUSE WHO HAS TESTED POSITIVE TO COVID. Did they expect that the time I had already spent quarantining from the house mate gave me some sort of immunity from catching it from the person I was sharing a bed with? These people are absolute tools. I haven’t actually tested positive myself yet thankfully.

I think this is all because I have important training Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Wouldn’t want to miss online training despite putting other people at risk now would we.

They have said that they would escalate it. Total fucking morons.

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