
Getting two weeks notice should never be an expectation of employers!

I think it's fair to say almost everyone has been fired or laid off at least once in life, at this point. When has an employer ever gone “Jeff we have to let you go, but we're giving you two weeks to figure it out.”? Um, never. Why should anyone give an employer a courtesy they would never get themselves? The idea seems asinine. BuT tHeY nEEd TiME tO fInD a RePlaCEmeNT… Well, studies show it takes three months on average to replace even a low level employee. Why is that any of our problem? The HR recruiter has to do their job and find talent regardless if we're there or not. It's just the cost of doing business.

I think it's fair to say almost everyone has been fired or laid off at least once in life, at this point.

When has an employer ever gone “Jeff we have to let you go, but we're giving you two weeks to figure it out.”? Um, never.

Why should anyone give an employer a courtesy they would never get themselves? The idea seems asinine.

BuT tHeY nEEd TiME tO fInD a RePlaCEmeNT…

Well, studies show it takes three months on average to replace even a low level employee. Why is that any of our problem? The HR recruiter has to do their job and find talent regardless if we're there or not. It's just the cost of doing business.

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