
How do shitty business owners go to sleep at night?

So a bit of a rant, I have seen several posts, and indeed have known several people that have been short changed on pay, or flat out not paid for the work they have done. How can a living being (saying human gives too much credit) go to sleep at night knowing they are robbing people of the most precious thing they have, their time. Now disclaimer, I am a business owner. When covid was just getting started we had a couple of weeks of no income. I sold a car, and dug into my savings to make sure my employees got paid. I wasn't able to do their full salary, but it was enough to make sure everyone kept food in the table, because dispite being a registered LLC with 50+ employees I was denied a loan. Luckily we work in the I.T. sector, and business exploded. So what…

So a bit of a rant, I have seen several posts, and indeed have known several people that have been short changed on pay, or flat out not paid for the work they have done.

How can a living being (saying human gives too much credit) go to sleep at night knowing they are robbing people of the most precious thing they have, their time.

Now disclaimer, I am a business owner. When covid was just getting started we had a couple of weeks of no income. I sold a car, and dug into my savings to make sure my employees got paid. I wasn't able to do their full salary, but it was enough to make sure everyone kept food in the table, because dispite being a registered LLC with 50+ employees I was denied a loan.

Luckily we work in the I.T. sector, and business exploded. So what did I do? Buy a second home? Get a new car? Start a ferret fight club?

No, I fucking paid the missing wages from when it was slow. Gave everyone in the company a raise, and bonus.

Guess fucking what? After 6 years in business, I have lost 2 employees. One moved to be closer to his family on the west coast, and the other sadly passed from COVID.

Every goddamn time I hear, NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK, I want to scream. I'm sure they would rather be doing something else other than working, but if you treat your employees like adults, don't fuck with their personal time, pay them a living wage, and are willing to work with your employees. Guess fucking what, they work (actually they bust their fucking asses, I love literally everyone in my company) and not only do they work, but the atmosphere is amazing.

When I hear people start to arrive, I see smiles, and hear lively conversations. I have some of my younger guys and ladies ask me for personal advice. Morale is high, and 2021 is our best year ever, so guess fucking what, everyone got another raise.

Already in 2022 we are crushing last years numbers, because people are motivated. When I post a job, I get dozens, sometimes hundreds of applicants. (Reminder NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK)

It saddens me that we do have to turn down some awesome applicants, but it proves a point.

No we are not a fucking family, but I am blessed to work with a group of amazing people that I happily call my friends.

So, to all the business owners that bitch and moan about 'this generation' and 'these kids' go fuck yourself. We will fix the world you fucked up, and hopefully leave an awesome legacy for our children.

To all of you that are struggling, I feel for you. I was there. It does get better, I pray that you have great fortune in your life, and a group of friends and family who love and support you. My heart goes out to all of you.

/end rant

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