
Organization is limiting ways for us to take contact, decided I had enough and told them “no”.

I do food deliveries for a small-ish company. In recent months, aside from cutting down my hours to the point I can no longer survive on my salary, they've been changing how we organize work and take contact with HR under the guise of “making it simpler and more user friendly for our workers”. By their declaration, it's a way to increase transparency and give us better work conditions. In truth, is a way to limit the ways we can contact the main office and/or make decisions about how the work is organized. Our job is completely independent. In an ideal situation, we don't even have to contact the office. We just turn on our app, receive the orders automatically and go do them. We're 99% on our own. However, I'm done with this. They keep changing things to basically turn us into just numbers and I'm not okay with…

I do food deliveries for a small-ish company.

In recent months, aside from cutting down my hours to the point I can no longer survive on my salary, they've been changing how we organize work and take contact with HR under the guise of “making it simpler and more user friendly for our workers”.

By their declaration, it's a way to increase transparency and give us better work conditions. In truth, is a way to limit the ways we can contact the main office and/or make decisions about how the work is organized.

Our job is completely independent. In an ideal situation, we don't even have to contact the office. We just turn on our app, receive the orders automatically and go do them. We're 99% on our own.

However, I'm done with this. They keep changing things to basically turn us into just numbers and I'm not okay with it. Today I've received an e-mail telling us that now all our documents and info will be put in the app directly instead of having to interact with HR for it. I replied telling them that I refused to do this and that I will exclusively handle my documentation with HR directly. Depending how they reply, I might just tell them that I refuse the rest of their changes.

Maybe they'll fire me. At this point I'm beyond caring to be honest.

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