
Feeling the heat from being labeled as “disloyal” for leaving a job after a year.

Thanks to this sub, I’m going to be taking on a new position for TWICE the money, after only working my current job for a year. I love the people I work with and my boss, but my boss assured me that after a year it would be no problem to get a bump up in pay and a new job title. Well…. as you can guess, that didn’t come to fruition. My current company says that I have to have 7 additional years of experience in order to qualify for the the job I’M ALREADY DOING. I was told, on the sly, that I should get a counter offer and have my current company match it, which is what I attempted. I interviewed for three months and after a three-round interview, and project creation, I got the offer. I was blown away by the salary offer, a full 90%…

Thanks to this sub, I’m going to be taking on a new position for TWICE the money, after only working my current job for a year. I love the people I work with and my boss, but my boss assured me that after a year it would be no problem to get a bump up in pay and a new job title.

Well…. as you can guess, that didn’t come to fruition. My current company says that I have to have 7 additional years of experience in order to qualify for the the job I’M ALREADY DOING. I was told, on the sly, that I should get a counter offer and have my current company match it, which is what I attempted.

I interviewed for three months and after a three-round interview, and project creation, I got the offer. I was blown away by the salary offer, a full 90% higher than my current salary.

Today is the day that I break the news to my team and I’m dreading it. My team members (Gen X’s) have talked disparagingly about how “no one stays in a job anymore” and my team member who got me the job, has said all along that she thinks I will leave. She’s right.

I hate this system. I hate disappointing people who are just a product of the system.

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