
I think Im getting screwed over???

so last year, i worked at both fedex and amazon, both as a driver under a dispatch, doing relatively the same job and just found out yesterday that the fedex dispatch has me labeled as an independent contractor, despite me being their employee, so now i owe money for taxes, but it feels sketchy as hell. I was using a company vehicle, with company equipment, under a company schedule. By no means am I shilling for amazon, but my dispatcher is a legit open and honest dude abt this kinda shit and just with these jobs being literally the same shit Im pretty confused and upset and was wondering if Im in the wrong/what i can do?

so last year, i worked at both fedex and amazon, both as a driver under a dispatch, doing relatively the same job and just found out yesterday that the fedex dispatch has me labeled as an independent contractor, despite me being their employee, so now i owe money for taxes, but it feels sketchy as hell. I was using a company vehicle, with company equipment, under a company schedule. By no means am I shilling for amazon, but my dispatcher is a legit open and honest dude abt this kinda shit and just with these jobs being literally the same shit Im pretty confused and upset and was wondering if Im in the wrong/what i can do?

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