
Job fired me and never told me. help??

So I am in Pennsylvania and am a seasonal worker, I was laid off in October to return on April. I collected unemployment for this time because it was classified as a lay off. However I have just received information that I will not be coming back (got this info from another source). I was told by my employer that I will be returning on april 15th and even told me how to file for unemployment and to classify it as a seasonal work (which I did) What do I do here? They laid me off with a return date and then fired me without telling me, for MONTHS???

So I am in Pennsylvania and am a seasonal worker, I was laid off in October to return on April.
I collected unemployment for this time because it was classified as a lay off. However I have just received information that I will not be coming back (got this info from another source).
I was told by my employer that I will be returning on april 15th and even told me how to file for unemployment and to classify it as a seasonal work (which I did)
What do I do here? They laid me off with a return date and then fired me without telling me, for MONTHS???

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