
It took 4 days

My husband quit going to his job last friday. He works weekends too, so they call him afterwork on Monday and said “We see you didn’t pick up your people today did they cancel? Actually you haven’t signed in since Thursday.” He responds, “I’ve been picking them up, but I’m not working for you”. The guy was like “Oh, ok good bye than.” Its a long back story, but the point is, they pay so little attention to their business, and treat the drivers like indentured servants that owe them their loyalty, that they didn’t even notice he had quit for 4 entire days.

My husband quit going to his job last friday. He works weekends too, so they call him afterwork on Monday and said “We see you didn’t pick up your people today did they cancel? Actually you haven’t signed in since Thursday.” He responds, “I’ve been picking them up, but I’m not working for you”. The guy was like “Oh, ok good bye than.”

Its a long back story, but the point is, they pay so little attention to their business, and treat the drivers like indentured servants that owe them their loyalty, that they didn’t even notice he had quit for 4 entire days.

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