
Off The Clock Time & Wage Theft

At my work-at-home job in Ontario, it takes an average of 15 minutes to start up my (work-provided) terminal and get everything loaded up, signed in, and ready to punch. Not all of that requires me to be in my chair the whole time, but there's about five sets of logins to perform and at least one tool that always takes at least 2-3 minutes to load. At the end of the whole drawn-out process, finally I can punch and start getting paid. I've heard various things about the legality of “OTC Time” in the States. Does anyone know if this set-up time is technically wage theft in Canada? If I want to proceed with a complaint, what's the best way to go about it? Aside from that 15 minutes I do generally like my job and would rather not jeopardize it, but I also want to be fairly compensated…

At my work-at-home job in Ontario, it takes an average of 15 minutes to start up my (work-provided) terminal and get everything loaded up, signed in, and ready to punch. Not all of that requires me to be in my chair the whole time, but there's about five sets of logins to perform and at least one tool that always takes at least 2-3 minutes to load. At the end of the whole drawn-out process, finally I can punch and start getting paid.

I've heard various things about the legality of “OTC Time” in the States. Does anyone know if this set-up time is technically wage theft in Canada? If I want to proceed with a complaint, what's the best way to go about it? Aside from that 15 minutes I do generally like my job and would rather not jeopardize it, but I also want to be fairly compensated for my time.

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