
Accused of being a SEXIST

Hello all! 25M here based out of MA. So about 6 months ago, I started at this company, & loved it! Great team, great culture & by all means a great company to work for. About 4 weeks after I had started, a new person is hired & my trouble began. To give you perspective, the company I work for, has great emphasis on that titles are just a formality, everybody’s equal, but to keep some type of hierarchy in place, we all report to the “manager”. Back to our story…The new person that is hired, is hired as an assistant manager. No form of authority of any kind, just a title is all it is. She came off a little strong right off the bat trying to issue silly & stupid orders like go take your lunch at this time, or do this this way & such…I respectfully decline,…

Hello all! 25M here based out of MA. So about 6 months ago, I started at this company, & loved it! Great team, great culture & by all means a great company to work for. About 4 weeks after I had started, a new person is hired & my trouble began.

To give you perspective, the company I work for, has great emphasis on that titles are just a formality, everybody’s equal, but to keep some type of hierarchy in place, we all report to the “manager”. Back to our story…The new person that is hired, is hired as an assistant manager. No form of authority of any kind, just a title is all it is. She came off a little strong right off the bat trying to issue silly & stupid orders like go take your lunch at this time, or do this this way & such…I respectfully decline, & let this person know that I do not report to her & she’s not the boss of me, nor is she my manager. A few days later she goes to the manager telling him I am a sexist & that she will report it to HR. The reason being, that I would not take “orders” from her.

I was terrified after I heard! I have never been in this kind of situation before! A few days go by & I decide to go to HR myself & I did. We spoke about it, I found out she never said anything but I was glad someone listened to me.

From the day I was accused, I started to completely dislike said person. I had no respect left for her. So I started completely ignoring her. No good mornings, no help around the office, no answering questions, no support. I did not care what it was, I tapped out.

Fast forward to March 17th 2022, I submitted my two weeks notice to get the hell out of here because it had become extremely uncomfortable know that anything can be said about me, & we all know how most of those allegations go in favor of the female (for alot of the times, not to generalize).

Today, March 22 2022, there is only 3 of us in the office (myself, the accuser, & another colleague). The 3rd colleague was on a lunch break in a different room, & the accuser follows him & they strike a conversation, & he tells her that he has a business meeting to get to at 3pm, and BEHOLD, she told him she is SCARED to be around me by herself. Scared that I will physically assault her, & she also mentioned she had reported that to our Manager back on Friday March 18th.

It is amazing to say the least. Two accusations in 6 months & I am lost. Once I found out, I call our VP directly and complain to him that this is extremely unprofessional, that I am being harassed & that it’s unacceptable what’s going on.

That is my story & I would love to hear from all of you in case there is anything I am doing wrong or if there is more that I should do.

Thank you!

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