
RTO is such a sham it’s hard to believe people accept it.

It amazes me companies will force people back to the office to make another .50 an hour from you (Being generous since real estate savings and increased productivity from wfh is more) and people accept it. This while spending 4 hours unpaid commuting and getting ready with stress they will be late because some jackass was texting. The cherry on top is the added costs of gas, parking, transportation, office attire, and lunch. How people have not completely revolted yet is amazing. I know, because we are family who loves thier coworkers more than the family dog, with a great work culture.

It amazes me companies will force people back to the office to make another .50 an hour from you (Being generous since real estate savings and increased productivity from wfh is more) and people accept it. This while spending 4 hours unpaid commuting and getting ready with stress they will be late because some jackass was texting. The cherry on top is the added costs of gas, parking, transportation, office attire, and lunch. How people have not completely revolted yet is amazing. I know, because we are family who loves thier coworkers more than the family dog, with a great work culture.

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