
More games from my company.

Last week I was sent to a management training seminar by my place of employment. The day of, I showed up to work to make sure everything was in order before I left even though I didn’t have to. I am a supervisor and my role is pretty specialized; meaning I’m really the only one that can do my job on the day to day. My site manager (who I like – this isn’t about her or her fault) has to oversee the entire facility, which has several different departments, and being that she’s new, she’s never been trained in my area, there’s simply no time for us to get together to do it. Nevertheless the bosses decided to have her run my department in my absence as well as do all of her regular duties. Needless to say it wasn’t the greatest day. The bosses weren’t happy. (But honestly…

Last week I was sent to a management training seminar by my place of employment. The day of, I showed up to work to make sure everything was in order before I left even though I didn’t have to. I am a supervisor and my role is pretty specialized; meaning I’m really the only one that can do my job on the day to day. My site manager (who I like – this isn’t about her or her fault) has to oversee the entire facility, which has several different departments, and being that she’s new, she’s never been trained in my area, there’s simply no time for us to get together to do it.

Nevertheless the bosses decided to have her run my department in my absence as well as do all of her regular duties. Needless to say it wasn’t the greatest day. The bosses weren’t happy. (But honestly they’re always bitching about something so fuck em) I thought she did well enough having no experience and I came in today and took care of everything that was an “issue”.

End of day comes and I have to meet with the GM, this is a regular occurrence for me to discuss daily shit. He loses his mind on me about how it’s my job to make sure MY manager is trained. Then throws my vacation in my face stating that if she’s not trained I may not be able to take my vacation (which has already been approved, I posted about that a week or two ago).

Maybe I’m out of touch but shouldn’t this be an upper management issue in regards to making sure the right people are in the right places, especially if they’re sending me away for some bullshit seminar?!

It’s just one thing after another with these people.

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