
Job ignoring doctor’s note and forcing me to return to office

Hi everyone! I started working for a payroll company as a remote employee in May 2021. I performed my job well and never got in trouble besides a few angry, dramatic clients here and there. In October 2021, I was involved in a serious car accident and went on a medical LOA due to numerous injuries. One of those injuries was a completely shattered right heel, which underwent surgery in November. Surgeons put 16 metal screws and 2 plates in my foot. This is a very debilitating procedure, so I am basically re learning how to walk. Since this is my right foot, I have a doctor’s note stating I cannot drive until further notice. Fast forward to February: I return to work, and everyone is still working from home. They announce that employees are to return to office on March 21st. I told them I will not be able…

Hi everyone! I started working for a payroll company as a remote employee in May 2021. I performed my job well and never got in trouble besides a few angry, dramatic clients here and there. In October 2021, I was involved in a serious car accident and went on a medical LOA due to numerous injuries.

One of those injuries was a completely shattered right heel, which underwent surgery in November. Surgeons put 16 metal screws and 2 plates in my foot. This is a very debilitating procedure, so I am basically re learning how to walk. Since this is my right foot, I have a doctor’s note stating I cannot drive until further notice.

Fast forward to February: I return to work, and everyone is still working from home. They announce that employees are to return to office on March 21st. I told them I will not be able to, and I have a doctor’s note. They say “that’s fine, just send the note.” I sent the note, and everything was dandy. Today, my supervisor calls and tells me that they rejected my doctor’s note because “driving is not in your job description, and is done off the clock.” I said “okay… but, I’m not medically cleared to drive?” They told me to find a ride, take an Uber, or a bus. All my friends and family have their own jobs, they can’t drive me around. I live kind of near the woods – no bus stations nearby. An Uber to my job would cost $29 ONE WAY. ALMOST $60 PER DAY. That’s 3 hours of my pay right there. I told them “okay” in the moment because I was so upset and wanted to collect my thoughts.

Again, I’ve been performing this job from home adequately since the beginning. I am so upset that they don’t care enough to help me during this horrible time of my life as I recover. I have been miserable at this job anyway lately, we are VERY overworked and underpaid, and I truly mean that in all it’s sincerity. I have 2 interviews scheduled next week, one of them with my best friend’s company, where she is VERY happy, and the owner of the company seemed thrilled when my friend told her I was interested in a position there.

I plan on writing an email to all the higher ups and HR explaining how I feel and the reasons i believe I deserve to stay at home. I am telling them that, no matter what, I will NOT be in the office on Monday. They can either fire me, or I will be telling them Friday is my last day.

I just can’t believe they have the audacity to treat us this way…

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