
I think the one thing that is most infuriating with the ridiculously rich and their ilk…

How much is 'enough'? Okay, Mr. Rich guy. You made $200M this year (a drop in the bucket for Musk/Bezos/etc) and you feel good about yourself. Wonderful. But, let me pose a question. If you had $199M, for all intents and purposes, you're the exactly same amount of rich. You can do all of the same things and that $1M doesn't hurt you. Yet, it would help your employees a whole hell of a lot. In turn, they'd be more inclined to turn in better work (even though it's still ridiculously lopsided in your favor) and chances are, you're gonna rake in better profits because of the better work. If you don't, you're at least winning PR points to improve the public opinion of you and can make more money additionally that way too. It's almost like spending a million to make five, but you're doing something positive at least.…

How much is 'enough'?

Okay, Mr. Rich guy. You made $200M this year (a drop in the bucket for Musk/Bezos/etc) and you feel good about yourself. Wonderful.

But, let me pose a question. If you had $199M, for all intents and purposes, you're the exactly same amount of rich. You can do all of the same things and that $1M doesn't hurt you. Yet, it would help your employees a whole hell of a lot. In turn, they'd be more inclined to turn in better work (even though it's still ridiculously lopsided in your favor) and chances are, you're gonna rake in better profits because of the better work. If you don't, you're at least winning PR points to improve the public opinion of you and can make more money additionally that way too. It's almost like spending a million to make five, but you're doing something positive at least. Why not do that? Hell I even bet there's ways to write it off as some kind of humanitarian aid stuff or something.

So I really don't get it. If I made big big money like that, what's $50K to me? Or 100? or $10M? I don't understand, I really don't. There are rich people out there that can literally singlehandedly fund big change and the cost wouldn't be no different than you having $1000 and spending $1.79 for a soda. Except that soda is better lives for a large group of people. You have the opportunity to be a hero! And these rich jerks don't see that?

I refuse to believe that everyone with a big wallet is evil. Some people were born into it because of their evil parents. I imagine a lot of people with money are conditioned this way. But come on. I've seen homeless folks give up their last $2 to help somebody else get home.

Alright, rant over, I suppose. I've never been upset to the point of exhaustion before.

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