
need workplace advice

hi all! i (21F) just recently got hired for part time work on an organic farm about 2/3 weeks ago. my schedule was established to be Tues Wed 8-5 (sometimes later), Thurs 8-12 (sometimes later), and market Sat 6:45-11:45. the hours are manageable, the work itself isn’t. my problem is, i’m exhausted and burnt out… already. my bosses just had a baby and are burnt out and overworked, and that seems to be what my work environment has become. we all sleep, work, sleep, work, with no time for anything else. my other coworker sometimes works 50+ hour weeks where my boss just doesn’t let him go home until the work is sufficiently enough “done” for him. i got hired for part time since i’m a student with another job besides this one, but he’s been trying to “jokingly” convince me to work full time or pile on more hours.…

hi all! i (21F) just recently got hired for part time work on an organic farm about 2/3 weeks ago. my schedule was established to be Tues Wed 8-5 (sometimes later), Thurs 8-12 (sometimes later), and market Sat 6:45-11:45. the hours are manageable, the work itself isn’t.

my problem is, i’m exhausted and burnt out… already. my bosses just had a baby and are burnt out and overworked, and that seems to be what my work environment has become. we all sleep, work, sleep, work, with no time for anything else. my other coworker sometimes works 50+ hour weeks where my boss just doesn’t let him
go home until the work is sufficiently enough “done” for him. i got hired for part time since i’m a student with another job besides this one, but he’s been trying to “jokingly” convince me to work full time or pile on more hours.

i’ve never worked on a farm before, and when i started he didn’t even give me a transition period, he was basically like “here’s the work- do it” and threw me into it expecting me to be able to handle all of it in the same capacity he can. like with my first market, he didn’t walk me through it, just expected me to be able to everything essentially and that i’d just jump right in full force.

when i was really struggling one of my first days in the 85+ degree F heat and wanted to go home because i’d been out there for almost 4 hours straight with no break- he basically was like “you just gotta push and deal with how uncomfortable it is and you just have to keep going. i’m a pusher, that’s who i am.” and was upset when i went home early because i just couldn’t handle it yet.

am i the problem because i just can’t handle the workload? or does it sound like my boss is putting too many unrealistic expectations on me and my coworker? if so, what do i do?! my bosses just had a baby and are already so overworked and tired- i can’t just leave them, i’d feel so guilty.

TLDR- boss expects me to jump right in to farm work in the same capacity that he can within the first week. makes my coworker work insane hours and has been trying to “convince” me to do the same. am i the problem for not being able to keep up?

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