
How much do you all earn?

I’m from the UK, which don’t get me wrong doesn’t have the best wages or employment laws (especially after leaving the EU) but it genuinely terrifies me to hear how little you guys in the US are paid and how overworked you are. So I thought for everyone’s clarity I’d see how much everyone earns (of course feel free to remain anonymous/not name the company etc. if you don’t want to). Feel free to include how many hours you work and what responsibilities you have. Ps: I find it disgusting that your employment is tied to your health insurance. As someone’s whose family members have relied on the NHS so much over the years I honestly can’t imagine how many of them would be suffering to this day if they had to pay for hospital visits.

I’m from the UK, which don’t get me wrong doesn’t have the best wages or employment laws (especially after leaving the EU) but it genuinely terrifies me to hear how little you guys in the US are paid and how overworked you are. So I thought for everyone’s clarity I’d see how much everyone earns (of course feel free to remain anonymous/not name the company etc. if you don’t want to).

Feel free to include how many hours you work and what responsibilities you have.

Ps: I find it disgusting that your employment is tied to your health insurance. As someone’s whose family members have relied on the NHS so much over the years I honestly can’t imagine how many of them would be suffering to this day if they had to pay for hospital visits.

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