
Never going Above and Beyond Again

Got hired back in August after graduating from accounting. At the time the job market was pretty rough from lockdowns (from Canada) so i took the first job offer I got. The owner talked up the position and it seemed like a very good learning experience so I accepted a below market rate wage. There was a 3 month probation period so I figured if I worked hard and took on extra work I could get a significant increase. WRONG. I took on more work outside of even my department and got a measly raise come my probation review……. however the owner said in 2/3 months time we would review once again and he wants to bump me up significantly more (couldn't at the time because the company was going through “structural changes”. I ignorantly said I understood, didn't even try to negotiate a higher wage because i believed him.…

Got hired back in August after graduating from accounting. At the time the job market was pretty rough from lockdowns (from Canada) so i took the first job offer I got. The owner talked up the position and it seemed like a very good learning experience so I accepted a below market rate wage.

There was a 3 month probation period so I figured if I worked hard and took on extra work I could get a significant increase. WRONG. I took on more work outside of even my department and got a measly raise come my probation review……. however the owner said in 2/3 months time we would review once again and he wants to bump me up significantly more (couldn't at the time because the company was going through “structural changes”. I ignorantly said I understood, didn't even try to negotiate a higher wage because i believed him.

The 3 months passed 2 months ago now. I've stopped asking about it because its just so draining and disrespectful. Oh and we have No HR, who would normally handle these things because the owner believes its unnecessary.

Whatever, the worst part is I can finish all my work within 2/3 hours out of my 9 hour “workday”. All my work can be completed from home. yet i have to drive 45 minutes one way to get here. Not even going to bother asking for me work anymore because whats the point?? More work for same pay? NAH. I just sit browsing reddit all day now and wasting my life away here lol.

Sorry for venting but it felt kinda good to type this out.

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