
Panem et circenses

I use to be part of this sub, left after the fox interview, anyway I keep seeing stuff pop up in my feed. I also see comments left of people saying that the working class will revolt against its masters. I don’t think that to be the case. We are already chained before entering the workforce. Technology and it’s many benefits have made us complacent. I do not believe our collective desire to reform or abolish work is stronger than our Desire for cheap thrills and short bursts of dopamine.

I use to be part of this sub, left after the fox interview, anyway I keep seeing stuff pop up in my feed. I also see comments left of people saying that the working class will revolt against its masters. I don’t think that to be the case. We are already chained before entering the workforce. Technology and it’s many benefits have made us complacent. I do not believe our collective desire to reform or abolish work is stronger than our Desire for cheap thrills and short bursts of dopamine.

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