No big important point, just saying, I’m not raising or making their underpaid labor force. Capitalism treats everyone like shit but women get criminalized and targeted especially for unpaid exploitation under capitalism.
A baby is a shackle and a chain in America. The state uses babies and families to exploit and control women and female bodies of childbearing age. The state will use the threat of abusing your babies in foster care to control and exploit you and keep you in poverty, rather than make child care an institution.
The white boomer 70s feminist agenda of “women in the workplace” didn’t help families prosper except for a small group of Regan era girl bosses, it made working women poorer because it gave an influx of underpaid labor to shitty service jobs. Those jobs don’t have benefits or child care. They are worthless drains of time.
Fuck your lean in, girl boss, white college bullshit. Fuck it right in its bleached asshole. I don’t have the time or money for drinks at the club discussing “salary.” You are not a feminist, you are a capitalist using feminist language. And fuck you for falling for that Star Wars “The Force is Female!” bullshit. The force isn’t female, it’s a marketing ploy. Fuck your fake capitalist feminism; because of YOU a large number of males on Reddit think feminism means Kathleen Kennedy and some bitch on a yacht making it.
And fuck those dead babies. Worst I did was prevent them from being wage slaves.
Feminism can be cool. Worst thing we did was make it marketable.