I’ve been job hunting hard since February. I’m in the running still for at least 4. One I have a second interview on Thursday. I accepted a job offer with a company that I’m not excited about. The pay is okay, but I lowballed myself by telling them what I’d minimally accept. Of course they offer me my minimum. The job is also a hard ass commute. I’m not currently driving. And I mainly want the job just so I can start paying rent. I’m living with an ex. My mom gave me the idea to do an Airbnb close to the new job temporarily until I can get a job that’s an easier commute. I’m annoyed because all my other interviews have been major cities. And then the one offer I get it in office 90% and in a hard commuting town. I don’t feel prepared to start and I applied out of desperation. Now I’m having second thoughts. I just started getting unemployment too.