
Anxiety is through the roof

Hey All, First I am on mobile so I am sorry for the formatting. TL:DR : I asked for a raise and now I feel like human trash but maybe I shouldn’t . I work in film and yesterday my start of show rates and dates talk with the PM . Being the head of department I can negotiate my rate. I decided that for the first time in 5 years I would ask for an increase instead of taking what they offer. During the call I asked if I could get a rate increase and explained that I have a different skill set then most in the same department and without this skill I have would have to hire outside help like 99% of others do. I also mentioned that I was making the same as an assistant in another department and that I wasn’t as on par with…

Hey All,

First I am on mobile so I am sorry for the formatting.

TL:DR : I asked for a raise and now I feel like human trash but maybe I shouldn’t .

I work in film and yesterday my start of show rates and dates talk with the PM .

Being the head of department I can negotiate my rate. I decided that for the first time in 5 years I would ask for an increase instead of taking what they offer.

During the call I asked if I could get a rate increase and explained that I have a different skill set then most in the same department and without this skill I have would have to hire outside help like 99% of others do. I also mentioned that I was making the same as an assistant in another department and that I wasn’t as on par with the other heads of departments.

After I gave my speech I was chewed out about never sharing rates with people and never to ask or allow people to ask me about rates .

I have always been an open book about everything so this took me by surprise .

The PM said they would look into it and call me back. When they called me back I was given the raise.

Great … so I thought … now I feel like a complete asshole. I haven’t slept in 24 hours from the anxiety and now I have a rash from stress .

Are we not allowed to talk about pay with others?

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