
Got yelled at for following rules

Don't want to go on a long rant but… (insert long rant) Basically, whoever is the manager for the day posts a daily schedule saying when people are supposed to go on breaks, that way we don't have too many people gone at once, and being further short staffed at parts of the day. So like normal, they posted the daily schedule, I saw my break time, no problem with that. Now here's where the problems begin. The person who was scheduled to go before me did go before me…well before their actual break time. So that already was annoying. Then, when my break time came up, they still didn't come back. I was mad at that so I just left to go on my break at my scheduled time anyways. The manager saw me going, and without hesitation started yelling at me “WHERE ARE YOU GOING? IS __ BACK…

Don't want to go on a long rant but… (insert long rant)

Basically, whoever is the manager for the day posts a daily schedule saying when people are supposed to go on breaks, that way we don't have too many people gone at once, and being further short staffed at parts of the day.

So like normal, they posted the daily schedule, I saw my break time, no problem with that. Now here's where the problems begin.

The person who was scheduled to go before me did go before me…well before their actual break time. So that already was annoying. Then, when my break time came up, they still didn't come back. I was mad at that so I just left to go on my break at my scheduled time anyways. The manager saw me going, and without hesitation started yelling at me “WHERE ARE YOU GOING? IS __ BACK YET?” and I told them I'm going on break, and nobody is there to cover my break.

So they get mad at ME, tell me to go back and take my break whenever the other person comes back. Wait 20 more minutes and they finally come back. So that person went for a break twice as long as their actual scheduled break, the manager didnt care, and yelled at ME over me wanting to go on break at my scheduled time. Instead, I ended up going late to the point where its beyond the legally allotted time I'm supposed to be working without having a break.

This is a very regular occurence of people going for double breaks, managers not caring, but if I go 1 minute early, use the bathroom for “too long”, or do anything, they'll be down my throat about it as if I'm in the wrong. I don't know this guys problem. Are they mentally unstable? Racist? Just a jerk? All of the above? Who knows.

tldr: My coworker took a double break, I got yelled at by my manager for leaving for my scheduled break because the coworker on the double break didnt come back yet, coworker got 0 repercussions, I get yelled at and talked down to.

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