
any habits you’re afraid of doing because of previous jobs?

i hope the title makes sense. i mean, certain things you used to do at work, got in trouble for it, and now are afraid of doing at recent jobs. for example, for me it's telling employers/employees how I really feel about work at the moment: when i was 17, i was working in a drugstore. i've only been working for 2 days. it was relatively slow and dead that day and someone asked me how it was going. i answered honestly and said “it's a little boring but not bad” at the end of the shift, i was told they would call me when they needed me. they never called me again. calling out for a bathroom break: i drink a lot of water and naturally, go to the bathroom a lot. a former employer asked me if i have bladder issues and to maybe stop drinking so much…

i hope the title makes sense. i mean, certain things you used to do at work, got in trouble for it, and now are afraid of doing at recent jobs.

for example, for me it's

  1. telling employers/employees how I really feel about work at the moment: when i was 17, i was working in a drugstore. i've only been working for 2 days. it was relatively slow and dead that day and someone asked me how it was going. i answered honestly and said “it's a little boring but not bad” at the end of the shift, i was told they would call me when they needed me. they never called me again.
  2. calling out for a bathroom break: i drink a lot of water and naturally, go to the bathroom a lot. a former employer asked me if i have bladder issues and to maybe stop drinking so much water.
  3. asking for changes in schedules: thankfully, my current job is pretty understanding of when i can work because i'm still in school. however, a few years back, i was working in a museum rather far from my house. i worked closing shifts and would get home close to midnight. my parents were concerned and asked me to change to opening instead. i agreed and went to talk to my manager about it. she said she would do something about it and never did. on christmas day a month later, she fired me because i “kept complaining” about the hours. i only brought it up twice to her.
  4. using my phone at work: the big one. most of the places i worked at had a no-phone policy. regardless, i still used my phone. one time, though, i got caught and got suspended from work (same manager from #2) i wasn't really using my phone per say, but i did check the time a lot. even though my current job requires us to check phones (we use the Slack app) i still feel like a kid in high school hiding my phone whenever the managers are near.

first post! just wanted to share some thoughts and see if anyone could relate or share similar experiences or habits! i'd like to read them.

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