
About to lose my shit

My job lost a full-time person, and I, like an idiot, wanted to get into it. I'm currently part time but I do likely the most work in my department. My supervisor kept telling me she's waiting for the position to get posted. Well come to learn the assholes above her think we don't need to fill that full-time position. Supervisor sure didn't tell me that. Currently I work with 2 other staffers (no supervision on-site) who are probably the laziest fuckers I've worked with and I have worked in some shitholes. Constantly late, on the phone and needing me to tell them what's next. One of them hides during the other's lunch so they won't have to do any hard work. Meaning I pick up the slack. Supervisor has a history of talking a good game about helping us and keeping us on track. In practice she tells people…

My job lost a full-time person, and I, like an idiot, wanted to get into it. I'm currently part time but I do likely the most work in my department. My supervisor kept telling me she's waiting for the position to get posted. Well come to learn the assholes above her think we don't need to fill that full-time position. Supervisor sure didn't tell me that.

Currently I work with 2 other staffers (no supervision on-site) who are probably the laziest fuckers I've worked with and I have worked in some shitholes. Constantly late, on the phone and needing me to tell them what's next. One of them hides during the other's lunch so they won't have to do any hard work. Meaning I pick up the slack. Supervisor has a history of talking a good game about helping us and keeping us on track. In practice she tells people who report other's and then leaves them to handle the fallout.

I have the chance to move departments within the company, it's custom to inform your supervisor that you are trying to leave but they can't stop you from transferring. (Multinational corporation, it's to protect people who have to move for a spouse or other events.) I'm going to transfer and inform her Friday. I just don't know if I can much more bullshit from my coworkers.

Guess this is just a rant, but I just needed to vent on this shit. I'm just so tired.

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