
What are everyone’s thoughts on UBI?

It requires a restructuring of social welfare systems, but it has been proven to boost entrepreneurship and education for higher skilled positions. It seems like every pilot project for UBI has been proven successful and/or stopped before ending, usually through a change in government. The problem I see (aside from “eVeRyOnE wIlL sToP wOrKiNg” and “TAX!”) is money trickling up (a good thing) through the economy only to die when a mentally ill person (billionaires) hoards it after getting their hands on it.

It requires a restructuring of social welfare systems, but it has been proven to boost entrepreneurship and education for higher skilled positions.

It seems like every pilot project for UBI has been proven successful and/or stopped before ending, usually through a change in government.

The problem I see (aside from “eVeRyOnE wIlL sToP wOrKiNg” and “TAX!”) is money trickling up (a good thing) through the economy only to die when a mentally ill person (billionaires) hoards it after getting their hands on it.

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