
Most Companies Are Run By Incompetent People

Yep I said it… and it's true. Been in the game for too long and this sub and the testimonies of erratic behavior of managers towards their most trusted and hard working employees, just confirms my opinion. I worked for smallish 10-20 people companies and I worked for 2 of the top 5 companies in the world in my profession. I am talking companies with 50k or more people employed and every single time I've encountered same shit in every single one of them. So one would think these big companies, brand names…surely their leaders are all wise and business masters. You know the ones you see in the movies in the suits profiling their opponents in the meetings, making those mastermind moves and getting the revenues up. Yeah… it's nothing like that. Let's just focus on my current company, very big brand name, massive company and hundreds of millions…

Yep I said it… and it's true. Been in the game for too long and this sub and the testimonies of erratic behavior of managers towards their most trusted and hard working employees, just confirms my opinion.

I worked for smallish 10-20 people companies and I worked for 2 of the top 5 companies in the world in my profession. I am talking companies with 50k or more people employed and every single time I've encountered same shit in every single one of them.

So one would think these big companies, brand names…surely their leaders are all wise and business masters. You know the ones you see in the movies in the suits profiling their opponents in the meetings, making those mastermind moves and getting the revenues up. Yeah… it's nothing like that.

Let's just focus on my current company, very big brand name, massive company and hundreds of millions of dollars of profit every year. Our current local CEO is a lady who when appointed to the position admitted “Oh I don't know what I'm supposed to do but I take it as a challenge”. Yes, she did say that in front of us at the xmass party and the room just stood there in awe. She got in the position by being regional director and completely fucking up the local business to the point they had to fire 200 people. No big deal… she got promoted and they brought another idiot to replace her. But connections to the top end of the town gets them business.

Guy below her was doing something completely unrelated to our industry and parachuted in to deputy director position by being “open to challenges” and also being a husband of major shareholder in the company, little detail we found out later. Dude was so out of his depth it was sad to watch, but hey… he is still there! He is the one who likes to talk about company culture and how great family we all are. Nah man, your shareholder wife is the great family… not me.

Middle management below him is filled by another happy couple in charge, absolutely clueless and supported by Operations Manager who graduated 3 years ago! Yes, that is right… dude got out of college 3 yrs ago and became OM. Why? Oh they had the role empty and he raised hand?!?! Like WTF! How the hell do you give such important role to someone who is literally a graduate just because dude raised his hand as he is obviously overly ambitious to understand his place. Hey… it worked for him.

I could go on for days and point is… none of these people got to their position by competence. It was always pure luck, bribery, old favor returns, wealthy family name or just straight up being married to the guy in charge. Never do fall under impression that just because they wear suits and act important they actually know what they're doing. They are faking it and you will be casualty when the shit hits the fan.

Company's business is held by hundreds of overworked stressed specialists who are constantly battling lack of resources and the fact that we have to earn so much money to cover all these managers out there. None of the upper management people matter at all… they could disappear tomorrow and we would still continue as normal. That's why they fear working from home, because for once in our lifetime… these fucks actually went away. Just press log off!

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