
Can someone explain to me how we’re supposed to survivor with price increases on everything?

I’m relatively young and don’t really understand. Everything in America is much more expensive at the moment. Gas is up, groceries are up, utilities are up and my rent just went up $100+ a month. I understand how the chain works. Prices went up. Oil companies still want to make more money so they pass the raise to the consumer. Same with electric. Same with my landlord. Same with the company i work for, we are increasing our prices next month. The problem is none of that gets passed down. Let’s use my landlord as an example. His life got more expensive due to all the price increases. He said “Hey I’m raising rent” so now i pay more and he gets to the live the same life because of me. Who are we supposed to fall on? My roommate and I happened to get promotions and raises last month…

I’m relatively young and don’t really understand.

Everything in America is much more expensive at the moment. Gas is up, groceries are up, utilities are up and my rent just went up $100+ a month.

I understand how the chain works. Prices went up. Oil companies still want to make more money so they pass the raise to the consumer. Same with electric. Same with my landlord. Same with the company i work for, we are increasing our prices next month.

The problem is none of that gets passed down. Let’s use my landlord as an example. His life got more expensive due to all the price increases. He said “Hey I’m raising rent” so now i pay more and he gets to the live the same life because of me.

Who are we supposed to fall on? My roommate and I happened to get promotions and raises last month so we’re fine but i have friends who haven’t gotten any raises and i don’t see any coming in the near future.

Are we just supposed to continually cut out things we enjoy doing until all we can afford is rent, food and some heat?

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