
Just remember, a “Raise” that doesn’t beat inflation is not a raise, it’s a meager bone they’re throwing you in the hopes you don’t know any better an continue to be a participant I’m your own exploitation.

In my yearly review yesterday I was told we were getting raises in April. “10%?” I asked. They said no. “8%?” No. “Well considering inflation was 8% last year, we're not actually getting a raise then.” I make $15 an hour. You're telling me you can't give me $1.50 more? The pay is the only reason I'm looking for a new job. My coworkers are great, my manager is great, my job is easy. But $15 an hour in the city isn't getting me far

In my yearly review yesterday I was told we were getting raises in April. “10%?” I asked. They said no. “8%?” No. “Well considering inflation was 8% last year, we're not actually getting a raise then.” I make $15 an hour. You're telling me you can't give me $1.50 more? The pay is the only reason I'm looking for a new job. My coworkers are great, my manager is great, my job is easy. But $15 an hour in the city isn't getting me far

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