
Anti landlord

I’m posting about what I believe to be illegal practices of my landlord and was hoping to get a little insight from the community. Considering these people own several buildings on the street that they rent out as their primary source of income, while implementing morally reprehensible practice, I supposed this content belongs on this sub. My wife, son, and I are renting a furnished apartment while my wife travels as a nurse. While preparing for a tenant to move in downstairs, the landlords realized there was ZERO insulation in the ceiling between the units whatsoever. This was a burn and turn remodel loaded with clear construction oversight, if I had noticed before we moved in we may have looked elsewhere. Anyways, for the past week they have had a 2-person team ripping out the downstairs unit ceiling, installing insulation, drilling, grinding, hammering away throughout all hours of the day…

I’m posting about what I believe to be illegal practices of my landlord and was hoping to get a little insight from the community. Considering these people own several buildings on the street that they rent out as their primary source of income, while implementing morally reprehensible practice, I supposed this content belongs on this sub. My wife, son, and I are renting a furnished apartment while my wife travels as a nurse. While preparing for a tenant to move in downstairs, the landlords realized there was ZERO insulation in the ceiling between the units whatsoever. This was a burn and turn remodel loaded with clear construction oversight, if I had noticed before we moved in we may have looked elsewhere. Anyways, for the past week they have had a 2-person team ripping out the downstairs unit ceiling, installing insulation, drilling, grinding, hammering away throughout all hours of the day even though we informed them we have a 20 month old child, requested they abate work during his nap times to which although they obliged, the then constricts of time were very loosely followed of at all…they initially responded by purchasing us a hotel room for the one day they “believed” would be the loudest…..well it’s been several days now, our sons naps have been wholly interrupted and it has affected our ability to get preparations for our next job done. I’m sure they don’t have any permits for the work. Do we have any legal recourse here? Thanks for any input!

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