Tons of stories about this psychopath. This is one of my favorites. I developed training programs for work. Had recently finished one and was starting new stuff. My manager comes by and says she had a meeting in 45 minutes but couldn't make it due to other work. She asked if I could go in her staid because there may be a question or two about my new program. I say no problem. I ask how many people will be there. She says 12 so without being told I print out 12 packages with a summary. I head up to the meeting a few minutes early. The meeting room is still occupied from the previous booking so people are waiting outside. I see a guy I know from another department and start to chat with him. I ask what this meeting is all about and he looks at me sideways. He says “what do you mean? this is your meeting” I ask him what makes him think that and he tells me it was all in the meeting invite that this was to be myself introducing the new program to a bunch of higher ups. I ask him when the hell he got this email invite and he shows me on his phone me he got it 48 hrs earlier. I knew the program inside and out and because I printed out packages I looked like I had prepared so I nailed the meeting but what the actual hell Lady. I don't know if she tried to make me look bad or just forgot to tell me. God I hated that Woman. I actually eventually got her fired but that is a different story.