
Called in for the 4th time at a job I’ve been with for 9 years.

I recently moved into a new apartment that came with bed bugs. Yay!! This was the first time dealing with those things so when I found out that they were coming out to spray (yesterday) I had started prepping on Friday and was doing as much as possible after work including staying up late and only getting about an average of 3 hours of sleep a night. The night before they came out, I still had a ton to do, but knew that I needed to get it done otherwise I’d be charged $150 on top of my rent so I ended up staying up all night to get it done. My job requires me to drive to different accounts in my personal car so I thought it would have been irresponsible of me to go in and possibly fall asleep at the wheel and crash and kill someone so…

I recently moved into a new apartment that came with bed bugs. Yay!! This was the first time dealing with those things so when I found out that they were coming out to spray (yesterday) I had started prepping on Friday and was doing as much as possible after work including staying up late and only getting about an average of 3 hours of sleep a night. The night before they came out, I still had a ton to do, but knew that I needed to get it done otherwise I’d be charged $150 on top of my rent so I ended up staying up all night to get it done. My job requires me to drive to different accounts in my personal car so I thought it would have been irresponsible of me to go in and possibly fall asleep at the wheel and crash and kill someone so I called in sick. Like the title says, I’ve called in a total of 4 times with my job. My boss called me today at my last account to tell me that I couldn’t get paid for it since I wasn’t actually “sick” and it was, in fact, an unpaid personal day. He also said that I could use a vacation day but I have plans that I actually want to do with those days and I will tell you, bed bugs are no vacation! One of my coworkers gave me our local HR person’s personal cell number so I called and left a message. Not sure if I’m in the right here, but I think it’s so wrong that I can’t use one of my own sick days to stay home and be safe, much less be actually useful at work.

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