
I found out I have no job to go back to after my maternity leave

This might be a bit long, I'm pissed. (TLDR at the bottom) Let's get some dates going! December 8 2020 – hired ( on the basis I'll gets vehicle so i can attend manager meeting every morning) January 10 2021 – bought a vehicle (Company learns that I stand up for my department (seasonal workers, which that take great advantage of and abuse) and tells me I'm not needed at manager meetings, strange because I'm a manager, and every other department are secondary to mine) March 2020 – becomes pregnant May 3 2021- request a letter of employment because I need it for a new and bigger apartment. Owner WHO IS HR MANAGER refuses to put my title as manager. My title is manager, and in the competitive market, I thought it would give me a little bit of an edge. August 20 2021 – Have review with my boss,…

This might be a bit long, I'm pissed. (TLDR at the bottom)

Let's get some dates going!

December 8 2020 – hired ( on the basis I'll gets vehicle so i can attend manager meeting every morning)

January 10 2021 – bought a vehicle

(Company learns that I stand up for my department (seasonal workers, which that take great advantage of and abuse) and tells me I'm not needed at manager meetings, strange because I'm a manager, and every other department are secondary to mine)

March 2020 – becomes pregnant

May 3 2021- request a letter of employment because I need it for a new and bigger apartment. Owner WHO IS HR MANAGER refuses to put my title as manager. My title is manager, and in the competitive market, I thought it would give me a little bit of an edge.

August 20 2021 – Have review with my boss, that is super fucked up and I do not receive my bonus. Though it is more than evident that I have decreased shrinkage in my department and subsequently in all other departments. I have learned a new machine that is the first to be available in North America, and I translated the entire manual to English, which that company now uses. I trained all my staff and I serviced this machine, with no training or help from my company or the company that is legally suppose to service it, but it was COVID and my company didn't want to pay them to quarantine, and this was not at all in my wage grade or within my scope of work.

I'm berated for being on my phone all the time, but everyone is, the seasonals don't speak English and only one other person speaks Spanish in management, so I'm constantly translating, using a calculator, taking notes, talking with company that supplied this multi million dollar machine, who also can't speak English. My point is that in my 12 hours a day, 6 days a week job, I need my fucking phone.

I'm told that I don't take direction well because I wouldn't send my employees home when their work was not done. Because then I would get shit on for not having the work done….

I was told I didn't give any new ideas on how to improve the place…. There is a bulletin board with 3 pages of my requests, most being in line with health and safety, but also many suggestions on how to improve quality of product AND research that advocates the why.

Every point that my boss gave, I unpacked and because his head is so far up the ass of the second owner ( a guy who had no experience in this field of running a business, just put his Weiner in the right woman) apparently it was his word against mine.

Up until now, I have stood up for my employees : example, one of the seasonals slipped on ice on the front deck of the company residents and hurt his leg, they put him on modified and have him to me, I helped him to make a claim, and see a doctor.

Another seasonal employee broke his ankle due to faulty equipment and forced that section manager to redo the paperwork and take out the part about the faulty machine that being The cause and then didn't pay him for his time in the hospital, I have him proper contact information to deal with it and get help.

I was an advocate for many things, including not sending a worker to walk a 3 inch metal gutter 40 ft in the sky with no tie offs or working from heights training.

The list goes on!

Moving on…

August 21 2021 – schedule doctor's appointment
Doctor tells me that due to a mass that's growing my a whole in the bone of my leg, I shouldn't be on my feet and I'm not gaining enough weight in my pregnancy because my job keeps me incredibly active, so he writes me off on sick leave, effective immediately, until my maternity leave kicks in.

November 1 2021- maternity leave

December 8 2021- my benefits (which are a fucking joke yes I'm Canadian, and I'm sorry for the Americans that have to deal with the shit benefits and maternity leave, but that's a different post.)

December 20 2021- baby arrives

December 31 2021- stay tuned, we find out why this date is important

March 23 2022 -( yesterday) I submit my receipt for my dental visit

March 24 2022 – ( a few hours ago) your contract ended with us in ( did you guess it? December 31 2021)

I'm no longer employed because I signed my 'contract' stating The Corporation will employ you and you shall serve the Corporation in the position of blank on the terms and conditions and for the remuneration hereinafter set forth commencing on
December 8, 2020 until December 31, 2021 or such date as mutually agreed upon.

Upon signing this, I specifically asked ( because it's not a common practice that people have contacted times, meaning I have never seen it and no one else has this here), and I was told that after a year my wage would increase, that this is just saying that I will be paid and agreed amount per hour from Dec 8 2020 to December 31 2021.

And there was no discussion about it after? We spoke several times between August and March, they even have everyone a bonus in October, except me, for this year's work because they made so much extra and didn't want to pay taxes. I decided to just let it go…

So I'm a single parent and in a few months I have nothing to go back too? After everything I did? That 3 people before me couldn't do? They all quit!

What in the actual fuckery?!? Since I went on sick leave they lost every Canadian worker in my department and several of the seasonals aren't signing back on ( and that says alot because they are amazing workers and don't complain about almost anything and are here for the money.)

TLDR : worked my ass off for a company, provided results, but stood my moral ground about health and safety and treatment of workers just to find out that they are playing an interpretation game of my contract and after my maternity leave I have no job.

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