
Business owner calls it quits

Not sure if this belongs here. Maybe its a Devil's Advocate kind of thing. On the one hand the guy is a POS. On the other hand who the hell COULD make it these days? I can start by saying that I don't know what people made there but I can only assume it was the sub minimum/tip model that all restaurants use. I'll also say that, yes the pandemic hit everyone hard but he was one of the success stories, they tried EVERYTHING to keep from going under, from drastically reducing dining room capacity, upping their carry out game and even constructing an outdoor heated space for bands and diners. And they closed for a week at a time, multiple times, any time an employee tested positive. But he doesn't list the pandemic as a reason for closing. As he says he has been a restaurant owner forever. The…

Not sure if this belongs here. Maybe its a Devil's Advocate kind of thing. On the one hand the guy is a POS. On the other hand who the hell COULD make it these days? I can start by saying that I don't know what people made there but I can only assume it was the sub minimum/tip model that all restaurants use. I'll also say that, yes the pandemic hit everyone hard but he was one of the success stories, they tried EVERYTHING to keep from going under, from drastically reducing dining room capacity, upping their carry out game and even constructing an outdoor heated space for bands and diners. And they closed for a week at a time, multiple times, any time an employee tested positive. But he doesn't list the pandemic as a reason for closing. As he says he has been a restaurant owner forever. The wife worked as server/bartender in the area for years and had heard lots about this guy. Primarily as having a reputation as a womanizer. No allegations of inappropriateness or anything but definitely fucked up attitudes toward women. One thing, the server/bartenders were ONLY women and the kitchen staff was ONLY men, not inappropriate, just weird. He fired a very popular band from performing there because he accused the lead singer of being a Socialist. Lot's of bands boycotted playing there over it, but lots of bands ignored it, too. In fact he pestered me about my band playing there for two years before we relented, because it's just business right? He posted some controversial FB photos a few years back that he swore were just jokes. Like having the dark skinned Elf on the Shelf getting a little too close to the Liqour cabinet and having to beef up his padlocks for it…Fucked up, I know. However, the food and beer selection were outstanding. Gourmet Oven Fired Pizzas, fantastic salads, ice cream, Microbrews from all over the region. Super fun place to see and play live music, well paying, and always free food to go for every band member. Always packed and a Friday Happy Hour kind of vibe, we actually met people there that we still see. In the end he never did anything to me personally, always nice to me and the wife, if he saw us he'd sit at the table and chat for a few. Professional, honest and generous band booker…With that said, here is his post:

Owning and operating a restaurant is a huge challenge even in the best of times, but the current economic environment is especially daunting. As a locally-owned, independent restaurant, XXXX’s has been especially challenged by the industry-wide labor shortages, rising price inflation, and interrupted supply chains. It has become an overwhelming daily struggle to maintain our service level, food-quality standards, and our operating hours.

I have been a restaurateur for over 35 years. At a point in my life when I expected to have more time to work “on” the business, I find myself, out of necessity, pulled back into the daily operations to work “in” the business. This has created a physical and mental strain that I can no longer endure. Therefore, I have decided to close XXXX’s permanently, effective immediately.

Recently my goal had been to identify and secure an interested party to take over the ownership and operation of the restaurant, someone with the energy and dedication (and time and money) to take XXXX’s to the next level. But those efforts have proven unsuccessful.

XXXX’s has had a good run. The past 13 years have been filled with many memorable moments…from sold-out beer dinners and fundraising events to jam-packed evenings with world-class musicians to afterhours conversations on the patio with friends and patrons. These good times will remain as fond memories for me, my staff, and for so many of our friends and neighbors. XXXX’s was a hub, a connecting point for guests and staff alike. I will miss being at the center of that hub. Thank you all for your support and patronage over the years.

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