
My boss told me to come in on Friday even though I was scheduled off. I already picked up a gig at my side job. What should I do?

Here’s the backstory: I started a new job 3 weeks ago and I’m still considered to be in training and basically shadow what other empoloyees are doing. Tuesday night, I got sick at work, threw up and had to leave my 8 hour shift 2 hours early. I texted my boss letting him know and he was understanding given that I’m still shadowing and me not being there has no effect on staffing (I mostly just watch what the other employee working is doing). On Wednesday morning, I texted my boss apologizing and letting him know I’m still not feeling well and I’ll let him know by afternoon if I’m able to come in. He said “I already texted you letting you know to take today off and to come in Thursday/Friday PM shift”. I was scheduled to work on Thursday but had Friday off. I picked up a dog…

Here’s the backstory: I started a new job 3 weeks ago and I’m still considered to be in training and basically shadow what other empoloyees are doing. Tuesday night, I got sick at work, threw up and had to leave my 8 hour shift 2 hours early. I texted my boss letting him know and he was understanding given that I’m still shadowing and me not being there has no effect on staffing (I mostly just watch what the other employee working is doing). On Wednesday morning, I texted my boss apologizing and letting him know I’m still not feeling well and I’ll let him know by afternoon if I’m able to come in. He said “I already texted you letting you know to take today off and to come in Thursday/Friday PM shift”. I was scheduled to work on Thursday but had Friday off. I picked up a dog sitting gig with my second job (I’m a dog walker/sitter). I can’t leave the dog alone for 8+ hours so I can’t balance working both jobs simultaneously.

Since my boss was understanding regarding me getting sick at work and told me to take the following day off, I feel like I should cancel my other job and do the Friday shift, but I really don’t want to. And it would look kind of irresponsible on my end saying I can’t come in on Friday. Me not being there has 0 effect because all I’m doing is shadowing other employees and watching them work for now; me not being there would not mean they’re understaffed so I don’t think it’s a big deal if I chose not to go in on Friday.

I’m not sure what to do. I feel bad because my boss let me have Wednesday off, but he told me to come in on my day off even though I already picked up another shift at my second job.What would be the best thing to do in this situation?

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