
Was I being an ass to the recruiter?

Here’s the story, I was contacted by an IT recruiter few weeks ago for multiple jobs at different companies and one of them wanted to do an interview. Usually the interview is with the HR first and then some IT supervisor/manager on second one and then finally a director or CTO typically. All my interviews were on zoom, I did good with HR and then the second interview went very well since the manager wanted me to stay on to get the director or the hiring manager for the department to do the 3rd part of interview right away. They were both impressed by what I was told from the recruiter. After this it should have been enough to make a decision for the offer in few days or a week. Recruiter reached out to me today after a week and says “hey can you make time for next week…

Here’s the story,

I was contacted by an IT recruiter few weeks ago for multiple jobs at different companies and one of them wanted to do an interview.

Usually the interview is with the HR first and then some IT supervisor/manager on second one and then finally a director or CTO typically.

All my interviews were on zoom, I did good with HR and then the second interview went very well since the manager wanted me to stay on to get the director or the hiring manager for the department to do the 3rd part of interview right away. They were both impressed by what I was told from the recruiter. After this it should have been enough to make a decision for the offer in few days or a week.

Recruiter reached out to me today after a week and says “hey can you make time for next week to meet with the boss boss (something like that) in person in their office?”

And I blew up a bit but I wasn’t yelling but I told him that after 3 interviews through zoom I don’t understand why I need to go in person to meet this person for a 4th one when I dont even know if I’m going to get an offer, I already spent 3 hours of my time with the zoom interviews but now you want me to take additional time to drive and go into their office to do face to face interview?, it’s not like I am applying for a high C level executive position and I don’t see the need to do 4th interview, I’m not being compensated for the time and drive. I can’t keep finding excuses for work to let me off when I already took 1 hr with HR and then 2 hrs with the 2/3rd interview”.

The recruiter understood where I was coming from but still insists on doing the interview.

Was I being an ass or overreacting?

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