
Fired by greedy boss on my second day of work…

So I started a new job as a barista yesterday and guess what… the greedy boss fired me today. He fired me because I ate a croissant sandwich while on the clock… even though everybody was snacking/eating anyways. But he happened to catch me eating when he spot-checked the place… so yeah, that's fun. Gonna send out some applications again tomorrow, but this is a bruh moment as it was my first “formal” job ever, so it's kinda demoralizing.

So I started a new job as a barista yesterday and guess what… the greedy boss fired me today. He fired me because I ate a croissant sandwich while on the clock… even though everybody was snacking/eating anyways. But he happened to catch me eating when he spot-checked the place… so yeah, that's fun. Gonna send out some applications again tomorrow, but this is a bruh moment as it was my first “formal” job ever, so it's kinda demoralizing.

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