
The toxicity of trades.

25, M, working in the tool and die field. I am getting tired of the stress of production and the people. It occurs to me that I am being told to work a skilled trade and be rewarded. It seems they blow smoke up the behind of this. From what I've gathered there's a shortage, and I understand you got to work your way up but the trades are dangerous and there's a lot of toxicity and tribalism in them. I've worked with a lot of guys that look out for themselves that will throw you under the bus and supervisors that will write you up for not knowing information that you've never been told before. It feels like that adequate training these days for young guys like me is done for. I keep landing in these situations where I do not know things and cannot perform tasks correctly since…

25, M, working in the tool and die field.

I am getting tired of the stress of production and the people. It occurs to me that I am being told to work a skilled trade and be rewarded. It seems they blow smoke up the behind of this.

From what I've gathered there's a shortage, and I understand you got to work your way up but the trades are dangerous and there's a lot of toxicity and tribalism in them. I've worked with a lot of guys that look out for themselves that will throw you under the bus and supervisors that will write you up for not knowing information that you've never been told before.

It feels like that adequate training these days for young guys like me is done for. I keep landing in these situations where I do not know things and cannot perform tasks correctly since I was not aware of it until being told months later.

They tell me that they will work with me and that's good but the fact that it took them a few months to figure this out when they could have told me the first week would have been nice because it was something simple.

In the past I've dealt with bad employers worse than this but I'm getting to the point where I don't care about my education anymore and I just want to work some dead-end job close to my apartment make around $17 hr and just enjoy life and survive in a world where there is a bad wealth inequality destroying the American dream.

I don't really care what I do at this point I've done a lot of career changes and I don't find passion in work. I find passion in my off time enjoying life and the older generations don't like that. Tough cookies.

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