
Occupy 2

Long story short, i feel that the way that we currently live in conjunction with each other and with our home, the Earth, really feels unnatural compared to what we could and should be doing. If you follow this sub then you already know what I'm talking about. Pollution, war, exploitation. Innumerable atrocities being committed on a daily basis. Governments and elected officials that serve themselves first and their constituents last. We could be living harmoniously and symbiotically on this beautiful planet that provides us with more than we could ever need, and yet people die of starvation. Dont get me started on how much food is wasted and thrown away. Deep down i think a lot of people feel that the way we are living is not right or even sustainable for that matter. As a resident of the US, you see firsthand how politicians are bought and the…

Long story short, i feel that the way that we currently live in conjunction with each other and with our home, the Earth, really feels unnatural compared to what we could and should be doing. If you follow this sub then you already know what I'm talking about. Pollution, war, exploitation. Innumerable atrocities being committed on a daily basis. Governments and elected officials that serve themselves first and their constituents last. We could be living harmoniously and symbiotically on this beautiful planet that provides us with more than we could ever need, and yet people die of starvation. Dont get me started on how much food is wasted and thrown away.

Deep down i think a lot of people feel that the way we are living is not right or even sustainable for that matter. As a resident of the US, you see firsthand how politicians are bought and the immense power that corporate lobbies have. It occurs across the globe, and those in charge want us distracted. Fighting amongst ourselves over the pettiest and dumbest things. Crazy things put into our food and keeping us unhealthy in multiple ways. There are so many angles in which they keep their clown show going. With only a handful of companies controlling a majority of the media coupled with the addictive nature of our smartphones, its no wonder they have so much control over us. They are actively manipulating us, and to an extent we even allow it.

This is all by design. Imagine a world in which citizens wake up and all come to his realization. I was unfortunately too young to appreciate the original occupy movement as i was just beginning high school, but around that time is when i set on this path of awakening and trying to attain some semblance of enlightenment. Ive been through a lot of things in life and seen things most people will (hopefully) never have to see or experience in their life. I know what humans are capable of, both the bad as well as the good. I should be dead many times over, but someone or something saw it fit to keep me around. I like to think this is because i am capable of helping spark the minds of my fellow humans and perhaps help guide us toward the path we should be on.

At this point in time, i do feel the winds of change in the air. Peoples eyes are beginning to open slowly but surely. Tangentially related, but we are in the midst of UFO/UAP disclosure and understandably not many media outlets are running with this story yet, but the implications regarding humanity and our life on Earth are mind blowing. Several strikes going on simultaneously right now as well which is always great to see because i know people are tired. As a matter of fact, this is what led me to ponder the feasibility of another occupy-like movement.

How could it happen, what would it look like? How can we learn from the successes and failures of the previous movement? And most importantly, how can we take our planet back?

I'm not sure what drew me to write out this maniacal tangent and I apologize for exposing yall to my ramblings, but you never know. Maybe thats all it takes to spark the one mind that can help lead us out of this, if not you or me

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