
Still debating if I would move to Germany or stay here in USA

My boyfriend and I are in an LDR for over 5 years now. He is German and I live here in US working as a physical therapist. We have been having trouble deciding who gets to stay where, mainly because I make a decent liveable wage but work here in the US is intense and stressful. Not to mention that I get sick from time to time because I have asthma. I understand all the benefits that I would have when I move to Germany, but my salary there will be smaller and it might take a while for me to work as a PT right away because I have to learn German plus transferring my credentials. Housing is expensive in Germany, too. I keep going back and forth on this. My boyfriend doesn't want to live here but he said if I want to stay here then he has…

My boyfriend and I are in an LDR for over 5 years now. He is German and I live here in US working as a physical therapist. We have been having trouble deciding who gets to stay where, mainly because I make a decent liveable wage but work here in the US is intense and stressful. Not to mention that I get sick from time to time because I have asthma.

I understand all the benefits that I would have when I move to Germany, but my salary there will be smaller and it might take a while for me to work as a PT right away because I have to learn German plus transferring my credentials. Housing is expensive in Germany, too.

I keep going back and forth on this. My boyfriend doesn't want to live here but he said if I want to stay here then he has no choice.

In all honesty, I want to move to Germany but I think my salary here is stopping me, but at the same time I don't want to just keep working like a horse all the damn time.

Somebody slap me to bring me back to my senses.

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